Monday, September 29, 2008

Top 10 Recap

Blugunion is sadly over, but here is a follow up to the results of the original top ten list:

10. Church St. got a new-fangled "digital" jukebox that ate up $2 just to play Lionel Richie
9. I got my blonde bombshell all over my engagement ring, then proceeded to lick it off
8. The Rodburos have decided to tear down Church Street, rather than drink there
7. We took a very classy video on the front porch of Blue Lagoon after we were greeted with so much love from the current girls who live there
6. Colleen managed to find her way back to the elms at around 5:30am
5. U-shop no longer does shots (spurring the phrase:"How. I Mallory. I come from time of smoke in bar")
4. Not neccessary after Friday night shennanigans at Elms between 3 and 4am
3. Mal and Colleen both left their cards at Church St.
2. I felt old enough to be a Freshman's mother
1. This would have been completely appropriate after Friday night's events.

Slideshow coming soon - need the banana suit pics first!


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